Integrify REST API (v6 & v7)

Access information and documentation.
resource method description
/access/request-token GET Call the Integrify API to obtain a Request Token and the authentication URL that has been defined for the Integrify system being accessed.

Redirect to the auth_url returned in the response and append the token value. Add an additional querystring parameter "r" with the URL you wish to direct the user to upon successful authentication. Based on the example response above, you would redirect the user to a URL that looks something like this:

Once the user authenticates, they will be redirected back to the URL specified in the "r" parameter (

/access/exchange-token GET When the user is redirected back to your application (after Request Token), Exchange the Request Token for an Access Token.

All REST Endpoints must be called with the application_key and token from the response above in the headers or in the querystring: ?key={application_key}&token={token}

/access/impersonate GET Impersonation Flow for App-App API calls. Obtain an access token for the specified user in one step.
Resources used to access instances of a process (a.k.a Requests)
resource method description
/instances/mine GET Return a list of instances by type that were initiated by the current user.
/instances/monitor GET Return a list of instances by type for processes where the current user has monitor permissions.
/instances/:instance_sid GET Return instance information by the instance sid (system guid)
/instances/:instance_sid/comments GET Return comments for the instance
/instances/:instance_sid/comments POST Post a comment for the instance
/instances/:instance_sid/comments/:comment_sid PUT Update the message and or subject of a comment
/instances/:instance_sid/comments/:comment_sid DELETE Delete a comment
/instances/byid/:instance_id GET Return instance detail information by the instance id
/instances/:process_sid/start POST Start a new instance based on any of the following query parameters
Resources used to access files from attachments in forms or comments
resource method description
/files/instancelist/:instance_sid GET Returns a list containing file information for each file associated with an Instance. This list does not include comment files.
/files/link GET Returns a 302 redirect to download the file. Testing using the Try It button on this site will NOT redirect you but will show the URL that can be used to stream the file.
/files/upload/ POST Returns an array of file keys that you can post with your comment
Processes are the executable workflow templates used by Integrify. They are made up of tasks, with rules tying them together.
resource method description
/processes/search GET Return a list of processes based on the filter search string.
/processes/ GET Return a list of processes
/processes/:process_sid GET Return process information keyed by the process sid (system guid).
/processes/:process_sid/tasks GET Return a list of tasks for the process keyed by the process sid (system guid).
/processes/tasks/:ptask_sid GET Return task information keyed by the task sid (system guid).
Resources used to access files from attachments in forms or comments
resource method description
/reports/:report_sid POST post filters and run the report.
/reports/:report_sid GET run the report with defaults
/reports/:report_sid/tofile/:export_type GET export the report with defaults
Resources used to access Task information
resource method description
/instances/:instance_sid/tasks/ GET Return a list of tasks for the instance
/instances/:instance_sid/tasks/:task_sid/reciptasks/:status GET Return a list of recipient tasks for the specified instance and task
/instances/:instance_sid/tasks/reciptasks/:status GET Return a list of the recipient tasks for the instance
/instances/tasks/reciptasks/:reciptask_sid GET Return a specific recipient task
/instances/tasks/reciptasks/:status GET Return a list of recipient tasks
Task type information and documentation.
resource method description
/tasktypes/approval/:reciptask_sid POST Complete an Approval Task
/tasktypes/approval/:reciptask_sid GET Get the configuration options for an Approval task
/tasktypes/form/:reciptask_sid POST Complete a Form Task (v6 only)
/tasktypes/power-form/submit/:process_sid/:task_sid POST Complete a Form Task (v7 only)
/tasktypes/milestone/:reciptask_sid POST Complete a Milestone Task
/tasktypes/data-container/endpoints GET Return a filtered list of data container endpoints
/tasktypes/data-container/instances/tasks/reciptasks/:reciptask_sid GET Return the field configuration for a Data Container task
/tasktypes/data-container/instances/tasks/reciptasks/:reciptask_sid POST Complete a Data Container task
resource method description
/users/current GET Returns the user record for the account being used to access the API
/users/:sid GET Returns the user record for the account based on the users SID
/users/ GET Returns list of users based on the filter passed in.
/users/ POST Creates user in Integrify and returns their SID.
/users/:sid POST Replaces the entire user record with the JSON object passed in and returns true if successful and false if not. The entire user record must be passed in with and changes you wish to make.
/users/:sid PUT Updates a user in Integrify based on the attributes and values passed in. User attributes that are not passed in the JSON body of the request will not be effected. Returns true if successful and false if not.
/users/:sid DELETE Sets a user in Integrify to Inactive.