External Authentication

External authentication enables customers to employ their own authentication provider in any location and works with both cloud and OnPremise installations.

As long as you can host a simple web page or http accessible service that integrates your provider and you can support code that makes a simple secure http request to Integrify, it is easy to set up. Integrify can provide you with simple examples as a starting point.

Our cloud OAuth-based workflow is as follows:

  1. User browses to https://yourcompany.integrify.com.
  2. Integrify responds with a unique session token and triggers the user's browser to redirect or make an ajax call to your hosted authentication service. (i.e. https://auth.yourcompany.com?token=1d774198f68b4988be829ca65129d208&redirect=http://yourcompany.integrify.com)
  3. Once the user is authenticated by your provider, the hosted service makes a secure http request or handshake to https:/yourcompany.integrify.com/access/impersonate?request-token=true&key={your_key}&user={a_valid_user_name}&token={token_from_above}, passing the token generated by Integrify in step 1 and a user name that matches the Integrify user's user name.
  4. The authentication service then responds with a callback or redirects the user's browser back to the value of the  redirect parameter passed by Integrify in step 1. https://yourcompany.integrify.com, completing the authorization process and granting the user access to Integrify.
  5. No passwords are passed to Integrify. The provider, not the user, controls the information passed to Integrify.

Learn how to configure your instance for External Authentication
See how to activate your instance for External Authentication
View code examples for performing authentication on your servers