name type required description
id int no Numeric ID of the user
name string no Full name of the user (partial matches accepted)
email string no email addresss of the user
username string no User Name of the user
manager_id int no Numeric ID of the user's manager
start numeric no Start index of the record to return. Defaults to 0.
count numeric no Max number of records to return. Defaults to 15.
sort string no Property of the instance to sort by (ID, Name, CreatedDate, etc.) Defaults to CreatedDate.
dir string no Sort direction (ASC,DESC) Defaults to ASC.
filters string true json object containing and array of filters in the following format - [{"field": "phone", "data": {"comparison": "eq", "value": "919-999-9999"}}]. Supported comparison operators are "eq","contains","lteq","gteq"
Resource/users/84070795-bbbc-414e-aaf1-683d6769cd93Try It!

Append your key and the token obtained from either Access/exchange-token or Access/impersonate to the querystring (key=mykey&token=kj123khb123hb123hb123jh123) or to the headers (Authorization:Bearer kj123khb123hb123hb123jh123) of your request.

   "TotalItemCnt": 1,
   "Items": [
       "CreatedDate": "2010-12-14T11:31:06.193Z",
       "CreatedDateF": "12/14/2010 6:31:06 AM",
       "DeletedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
       "DeletedDateF": "",
       "ID": 108,
       "ModifiedDate": "2011-05-18T18:43:24.683Z",
       "ModifiedDateF": "5/18/2011 2:43:24 PM",
       "ObjectPermissions": 79,
       "SID": "84070795-bbbc-414e-aaf1-683d6769cd93",
       "AddressLine1": "",
       "AddressLine2": "",
       "City": "",
       "ContactID": 108,
       "CostCenter": "",
       "Country": "",
       "Custom1": "",
       "Custom2": "",
       "DelegateName": "",
       "DelegateSid": "",
       "DelegationEnd": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
       "DelegationEndF": "0001-01-01",
       "DelegationEndTime": "00:00",
       "DelegationProcesses": null,
       "DelegationProcessesNames": "",
       "DelegationStart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
       "DelegationStartF": "0001-01-01",
       "DelegationStartTime": "00:00",
       "Department": "",
       "Division": "",
       "Email": "",
       "IsActive": true,
       "LanguageID": "2a803d80-de6d-4adc-a642-4e3d831f5460",
       "Locale": "en-GB",
       "Location": "",
       "ManagerID": 0,
       "ManagerName": "",
       "ManagerSID": "",
       "Name": "John Doe",
       "NameFirst": "John",
       "NameLast": "Doe",
       "NameMiddle": "",
       "NetworkID": "John",
       "Password": null,
       "PasswordConfirm": null,
       "Phone": "",
       "Postal": "",
       "PrimaryGroupGUID": null,
       "Properties": null,
       "SignatureFile": "",
       "SignatureFileSID": "",
       "State": "",
       "TimeZone": "Pacific Standard Time",
       "Title": "",
       "UserName": "John"