name type required description
status string yes One of the following - all, open, pastdue, priority or completed. Defaults to all.
mine boolean no If true, will only rteturn a list of tasks for the current user. Defaults to false
start int no Start index of the record to return. Defaults to 0.
count int no Max number of records to return. Defaults to 15.
sort string no Property of the instance to sort by (ID, Name, CreatedDate, etc.) Defaults to CreatedDate.
dir string no Sort direction (ASC,DESC) Defaults to DESC.
task_name string no filter tasks by a particular task name
task_type_name string no filter tasks by a particular task type. (form, approval, milestone ...)
process_sid string no filter tasks by a particular process
instance_sid string no filter tasks by a particular instance
instance_name string no filter tasks by a particular Instance name
due_range_start string no filter tasks and return those which are due on or after a certain date (UTC) Format - 2013-01-15
due_range_end string no filter tasks and return those which are due on or before a certain date (UTC) Format - 2013-01-15
assigned_range_start string no filter tasks and return those which are assigned on or after a certain date (UTC) Format - 2013-01-15
assigned_range_end string no filter tasks and return those which are assigned on or before a certain date (UTC) Format - 2013-01-15
completed_range_start string no filter tasks and return those which are completed on or after a certain date (UTC) Format - 2013-01-15
completed_range_end string no filter tasks and return those which are completed on or before a certain date (UTC) Format - 2013-01-15
instance_id_range_start int no filter tasks and return those which have an Instance ID greater than or equal to the value passed
instance_id_range_end int no filter tasks and return those which have an Instance ID less than or equal to the value passed
Resource/instances/9a0ca50d-e5e3-4544-9b92-979cf278cf1c/tasks/reciptasksTry It!

Append your key and the token obtained from either Access/exchange-token or Access/impersonate to the querystring (key=mykey&token=kj123khb123hb123hb123jh123) or to the headers (Authorization:Bearer kj123khb123hb123hb123jh123) of your request.

"total": 343,
"items": [
    "r": 1,
    "sid": "6e3673b5-f58a-4b9c-b367-d2cfa03cd0c9",
    "id": 4835,
    "task_sid": "d829eaa4-439a-4611-8bbe-c1cfa03cd028",
    "user_sid": "4e99e0dd-b3b3-4d5d-826d-3d5ae62a16cf",
    "status": "Started",
    "start_date": "2013-06-21T18:14:43.960Z",
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    "deleted_date": null,
    "deleted_by": null,
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    "instance_id": 1863,
    "process_sid": "a2acae5b-0934-4ff9-8259-ba9da5facb8a",
    "publish_status": "Development",
    "task_name": "Area Director Approval",
    "task_type_name": "Approval",
    "requester_name": "iapprove demo",
    "priority": null,
    "client_name": "iapprove demo",
    "due_date": null
    "r": 2,
    "sid": "44813a4b-d74f-4123-8541-68aaa03cd0f2",
    "id": 4832,
    "task_sid": "15d78339-f33d-46d3-96f9-59aaa03cd0f8",
    "user_sid": "4e99e0dd-b3b3-4d5d-826d-3d5ae62a16cf",
    "status": "Started",
    "start_date": "2013-06-21T18:13:41.250Z",
    "end_date": null,
    "ordinal": -1,
    "created_date": "2013-06-21T18:13:41.063Z",
    "created_by": "4e99e0dd-b3b3-4d5d-826d-3d5ae62a16cf",
    "modified_date": "2013-06-21T18:13:41.250Z",
    "modified_by": "4e99e0dd-b3b3-4d5d-826d-3d5ae62a16cf",
    "deleted_date": null,
    "deleted_by": null,
    "instance_sid": "f329cbc7-3b5d-41b5-aec3-dfa6a03cd0c8",
    "instance_id": 1862,
    "process_sid": "a2acae5b-0934-4ff9-8259-ba9da5facb8a",
    "publish_status": "Development",
    "task_name": "Area Director Approval",
    "task_type_name": "Approval",
    "requester_name": "iapprove demo",
    "priority": null,
    "client_name": "iapprove demo",
    "due_date": null